What are the common Green approval for Electronic Hand Dryer?
For commercial restroom products, RoHS and WEEE are two commonly requested approvals for hand dryer and auto soap dispenser. Since people nowadays pay more attention to the safety and environment-friendly features, selecting automatic hygiene products with these approvals can cut down the risks of hazardous substances and advance the reputation of the company or property owner.
RoHS Approval for Commercial Restroom Products:
For electronic products, including hand dryers and auto soap dispensers, RoHS is a mandatory approval. It stands for restriction of hazardous substances and regulates the maximum level of 10 substances, such as Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, etc. This is to ensure the electronic appliance has the lowest impact toward public health.
WEEE Approval for Commercial Restroom Products:
To reduce the waste of electronic products like sensor soap dispenser and hand dryer, WEEE (Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment) was published. It mandates the treatment, recovery and recycling of electric and electronic equipment. All applicable products in the EU market must carry the "Wheelie Bin" sticker or mark.
For different products categories, the regulated recycled, reuse and recovered levels are different. For example, the recycle and reuse rate of home appliance should be higher than 55%, and the recover rate should be 75%. These standards are also applicable for commercial hand dryer and auto soap dispenser.
Hokwangās products are WEEE certified
We set a higher standards of quality and green features than other manufacturers of hygiene products. Our recycle, reuse and recovery rate are over 90% for all products. Customers can save the troubles of applying for mandated approvals, while protect the environments by selecting Hokwangās hand dryer, auto soap dispenser and other models.